Law Blog


Changes to Washington DUI Sentencing Laws Coming January 1, 2022

By Ember Law  |  October 13, 2020

When the Washington Legislature updated RCW 46.61.5055, amongst others, it made some important updates to how individuals are sentenced for DUI or Physical Control.  While not comprehensive, this post will cover the substantive changes and hopefully help you understand the law a little better. First Offense / No Prior Offenses Within 7 Years If you were convicted of DUI, it...

Vacating Misdemeanor or Gross Misdemeanor Convictions in Washington

By Ember Law  |  July 3, 2019

Expunction. Expungement. Vacating.  Call it what you will, but Washington law only permits the vacation of some misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor convictions.  I have set forth the following to help clarify your understanding.  If you are seeking to have a conviction vacated, make sure to speak to an attorney to determine if you qualify. Vacating a conviction releases you from all...